A Manipulation Method
“There was no such thing as a fair fight. All vulnerabilities must be exploited.” This is a famous quote by Cary Caffrey. After you finish reading think about the validity of this quote in the present.
If you are a healthy person with healthy relationships with your community you should have met a lot of types of people with different races, different cultural backgrounds, different academic qualifications, and different skills. Even with all the limited number of years I have been in the society I have been able to encounter a unique pattern of manipulation. Not only most of us get caught in that, but also the manipulator is benefitted really well while the “true” victim is ignored or faced social embarrassment. This is something I have been observing for a long time and I came across this exact scenario in several places in the last year & it made me think more about that I thought of presenting my observations.
Please note that the society is a vastly diversed complex place and one cannot simply explain or divide the society to two groups according to their behavior. It is far more complex. What I have tried to do is to present my observations on two groups in the society where the rest of the society becomes the spectators of these two groups.
These are not ‘conclusions’ but merely ‘observations’ and certainly not my experiences!! I have seen this chain of incidents in politics, leadership chain in state sector, & in numerous occasions in day to day life. Like I always say you see from where you are standing, you might judge me or disagree with me about the content of this article. Some of might think this is juvenile and I have only considered a small sample of people. It’s your freedom of though. I respect that. Please be kind enough to comment your opinion after reading. I love constructive criticism.
First, there is a party which has great talent in not showing how they exactly feel and perfectly capable of acting along with the opinion of the majority in that social frame which makes them the perfect material for surviving the longest period of time without being a bad person to almost all the members of the particular group.
Then, there’s a second party which is more independent, not very self-conscious but not afraid to stand against the majority of the group even at a time when their hand is out of good cards to play. Important to notice but these people can be really selfish at times and really selfless at some points. It all depends on how they are being treated or were treated before in the past. These type of people are willing to risk the “good” social status to make the right move and make things right. But in a way which makes them less attractive to some in the social frame.
That’s a weak point of the second party whereas the first party is perfectly capable and knows the tactics to perform the same but with great secrecy and not being a hateful to anyone. That’s his or her talent. It might be coming with the years of social interactions with many people. We can’t call such people, “gentlemen”. Society tends to call these people, matured. But there are instances where the second party becomes the first party because of there relentlessness, but not too often.
From what I have seen what happens is this.
At a time where both these parties seek attention or the leadership a clash between these two types of people is began. Mostly the first party starts this rivalry and acts along in secret to make sure that he stays on top. The other party is somewhat unorthodox so they react in public. That causes the reliability & emotional maturity status of the second party, among the members of the social group to reduce while the party which is truly responsible for this chain of reactions retains the good social status among others.
With another behavioral change or discomfort thrown at their face by the society or by the second party following the previous incidents, the first party feels threatened and act obnoxious causing others to feel that the first party which is responsible and the other to be recognized as the victim followed with the empathy of the members. With time the first party whom I call “cunning” stops reacting but the second party might continue to compete. This is somewhat related to immaturity. This causes the less matured to feel disrespected, humiliated or sometimes suicidal. Thus the first party emotionally and socially maipulate the members of the social group against the second party.
This reminds me of a quote by the great Otto Von Bismarck, “It is the destiny of the weak to be devoured by the strong.” It truly captures the essence of what has happened and what will happen in these types of incidents. From what I feel is that we all should have qualities of gentlemen & we should try to behave like gentlemen. We should be morally obligated that neither I will try to harm anyone nor will try make them look bad in front of the society. If we all agree with this fact and act I don’t think long lasting misunderstanding or verbal-nonverbal abuse will happen. We must understand each other’s space and respect that. We must never try to take advantage from someone’s weakness because that’s what strong people do. Nevertheless if you genuinely try to be a better person & try to change other lives also to this course with the ultimate goal of making the world a better place I think creating world peace and equality among people is not that hard. With what I have proposed the world without hatred, jealousy, anger, misleading & manipulation is not far away. Let’s make a difference through self-evaluation & march towards a better future.